Conference/Workshop on Very Large Databases
Some students and a member of staff in the Department of Mathematics/ Computer Science, Hezekiah University Umudi, were given scholarships to attend a Conference/Workshop on Very Large DataBases (VLDB) which took place at the Distant Learning Centre of the Prestigious University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
Among a large number of undergraduate and postgraduate students, instructors, scholars, and researchers from all over the country that applied for the conference/workshop, fortunately, four students and a member of staff of the Department of Mathematics/Computer Science, Hezekiah University, were invited. The students are Odozor Loveth Amarachi, Azodo Maryann Gold, Ugowezie David .N., and Osita Ujunwa .O., and the lecturer is Mr. Ayetuoma Isaac .O.
The conference was organized by Professor Jenifer Widom of the famous Stanford University England (who has more than 25 years experience as an instructor in Computer Science), in collaboration with the Association of Computer Machineries (ACM) Ibadan Chapter. The workshop covered the areas of Big Data Analysis, Collaborative Thinking and Women in Technology.

It was Quite an Experience
The four day workshop was sponsored by many firms and big organizations such as Google, Total, Association of Computer Machinery (ACM) Ibadan chapter, Stanford University, among others. It was quite an experience because of the practical and hands-on nature of the workshop.

A PICTURE WITH THE INSTRUCTOR, Professor Jenifer Widom of the famous Stanford
University England.